Anti-SLAPP Granted – Hallsted v. Coast Community College District

Description of Trial or Motion: Hylton & Associates’ Founding Partner Courtney Hylton and Associate Anna Huffman prevailed on a Special Motion to Strike Plaintiff’s Complaint pursuant to the anti-SLAPP Statue, Code of Civil Procedure § 425.16. Hylton & Associates represented a community college district and three district employees in a defamation case venued in Orange County. Plaintiff claimed she was defamed by a Board agenda item which was posted on the District’s website. The court determined Plaintiff’s claims implicated the District’s exercise of its free speech rights in a public forum concerning matters of public interest and implicated the District’s right to conduct an official proceeding authorized by law. Plaintiff, a former District administrator, alleged the agenda item caused loss of potential job opportunities. Plaintiff claimed damages in excess of $25,000.00 and requested a public written retraction of any statements implicating her. The District maintained Plaintiff’s Complaint arose from the District’s participation in a petitioning activity within an official proceeding, as well as speech involving a matter of public concern in its role as a public-school administration. The District also disputed whether Plaintiff could establish a probability of prevailing on her claims, in addition to the nature, cause, and extent of Plaintiff’s claimed injuries and damages.